
Identity 2.0

We Make it easy for Companies to upgrade their Identity, Verification, and Single Sign-On Capabilities.  Drive audience engagement, conversion and ROI by offering a personalized experience in a Post-Cookie world.

Reduce friction for consumer UX and mitigate risk from the most prevalent "bot" offenders.  This means: faster access, increased engagement, more customers, and enhanced security.

The Value for Your Business

With marxID, companies can enhance the user experience long before a checkout or subscription event takes place.  Maximize advertising revenue or conversion events by providing a personalized experience. 

Case Studies

A closed channel of communication between you and your audience

Login is the gateway to more.  More personalization, more conversion, more happy customers.  Discover customer interests and better position offerings from content to e-commerce.  Optimize pricing, distribution and marketing by understanding your customer and ensuring the right products are appearing to the right consumers at the right time.


Effortlessly integrate into your system by leveraging our growing library of API's and CDP integrations. 

Your time is valuable -- we've made integration frictionless so that you can return your attention to your customer, audience, and content.

How it Works

How It Works

Businesses today know that Identity Verification and Login improve customer experiences and drive business growth. 

Gain a competitive advantage with marxID by leveraging an incentivized method of login that engages users.  Convert digital strangers into identified visitors by providing them access to special offers when they add "login" to their user experience journey.

Integration Wizard

We make it easy for non-technical owners to incorporate marxID into their websites or e-commerce engines

(Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento, etc...)



Polymorphic Encryption

Unlike standard symmetric encryption, our Encryption/Decryption pair changes each time it is used.

Premium Admin Controls

SaaS Dashboard for easy access to security monitoring features and alert customization.


Hash-Chained Auditing

Tamper-evident data logs ensure that even if a private key is compromised, audit log cannot be manipulated or deleted.

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